Monday, February 28, 2011


OOOOHHH the dreaded cake.  Some of us can't wait to get up to our elbows in that gooey icing, fondant and sprinkles.  Other's break out in a sweat just at the thought of trying to get a cake mix box open.  It seems that it might be the most stressful detail in planning a child's birthday, but yet really the most key element!  Everything seems to revolve around the dreaded cake.  The children can't wait until it comes out.  It is usually the element of surprise (well hidden until the lights go out and everyone breaks into song)  It is usually the pinnacle point of the theme and everything revolves around it.  No wonder there is so much stress.
For those of you who like to dabble but aren't sure how to go about it I have come up with a wonderful site with some great techniques that will help you through and teach some key skills that will make this cake thing a breeze.
I AM BAKER has very simple and concise instructions with excellent pictures to guide you through the process.  Her cakes are just so cute and easy to do.  Have a look.  After all she say's that even her husband can do....
Next up, there are several cake decorating sites out there.  This one has a great list and promises to take your cakes to the next level.  It is probably better for those who have a basis is decorating and knows there way around a piping bag.
If you have the time and the drive try a decorating class. Both Michaels and Artisitc Cake Design have great classes for beginners.
Finally, should none of the above be part of your make-up, there are PLENTY of decorators out there who would be happy to do it for you.  The local grocery store to the local business (which I prefer for taste and design) would be happy to put something together.  I just came across this lovely lady who does everything from cakes to cookies in Arnprior.  Here business is relatively new and local.  Her prices are very reasonable and worth a look.  Check out Sweet and Sassy Co. for inspiration and to place your order.
If all else fails, don't be afraid of a tub of icing from the store and do it as an activity with the kids at the party.  They don't mind getting messy.
Most of all have fun.

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